Thursday, February 14, 2008

Valentine's Day

It is a gorgeous day today. The sun is shining and melting all of the beautiful snow we got yesterday. (Good thing for Mark and Deb who are driving up to visit today! Drive Safe!) The basement was for the most part finished yesterday. Luke and I are taking on the task of painting the entire thing so that should be interesting. Thank god for no more dust! I have cleaned time and time never seemed to stop. Anyway, I now have a very clean house and hopefully it will stay that way for a few days! The only things left to do downstairs are installing the light fixtures, putting in the toilet and vanity, and putting on the trim(which will all be done when luke and I are done painting). We are holding off on the flooring and the tiled shower for now. I will add some pics of the basement while we are painting. They will be more interesting that way!
We love and miss all of you! Happy Valentine's Day!