Monday, February 28, 2011

potty training already?!

Jolene is really into using the potty right now, and is having pretty good success. she goes every time she's on the potty and she's telling us when she's gotta go(or you can see it when her face turns red and she starts to grunt!)
This weekend, Jolene kept telling me she had to potty. I would run her back to the chair and nothing. After awhile, I'm irritated and still in the middle of flipping pancakes for breakfast. Jo tells me AGAIN that she's got to go. I take her, but this time I left her there for just a moment so I could flip the batch of pancakes. The next thing I know she's standing next to me, naked, with poop on her feet. UGH. So I pick her up and run her to the bathroom where she's gone potty, half in the seat and half on the floor. From what I can deduct from the incident, Jo pooped and stood up before she was done. The "half" on the floor had fallen from her behind and she then proceeded to step in it and walk to the kitchen. Needless to say, the "YUCK" "Ew, gross" and "Don't move, Jolene!" got Luke out of bed. He gave Jo a quick bath and I steam cleaned the carpets. What a morning. At least the pancakes with fresh mangos were good.