The evening of easter, Luke decided to clean up his golf clubs on the front porch. Of course, it wasn't long before Emmett noticed Daddy was outside, why wasn't he????!!! So Emmett got to go outside and "help" daddy on the porch. Soon enough, Luke gave Emmett an old broken club and a ball to play with. Who knew we had a white, half-pint, Tiger Woods on our hands? By the time they came inside, Luke was amazed at how well he could actually hit the ball and Emmett was grinning ear to ear cause he had so much fun with daddy. Then started crying cause it was almost bedtime! Story of our lives these days now that it stays light out later. He wants to be outside every minute of the day and throws a fit if it doesn't happen. Perils of nice weather....I'll deal with it for a bit of sunshine and warmth!