Deb and Mark just left to head back to Colorado Springs. We had a wonderful visit this past week. As usual, we tried new recipes and drank a bit of wine(myself included! It was alcohol free wine, but who cares.) Emmett has been really great in restaurants lately so we braved a nice dinner and really enjoyed ourselves. Emmett sure loved having someone other than Mom to drag around. I believe the favorite saying of the weekend was " Play (name an activity) ? OK C'mon in!" and you would get taken to his room and made to sit down where ever he pointed.
I had a girly Saturday planned with my friend Courtney in Red Lodge, so Luke and the grandparents took Emmett to the Arbor Day celebration in town. It wasn't very fun I guess, but they brought back three trees and three bushes to plant in the yard. Yea, free landscaping! We certainly did not have very nice weather while they were here in town. It was dreary and off and on snow/rain mix. Still no improvement since they've left......
Deb and I tried our best at cards each night, but seemed to have the same luck we always do...losing. I can't even blame the wine sin
ce I don't consume any, the boys just seem to get better cards than we do. I think we won 2 out of 6 games. Oh well, we'll get 'em next time Deb!