Friday, January 15, 2010

Crazy day in Billings

We headed up to Billings today for a post-op appointment for Jolene's ears. Everything looks great. and she has a terrible cold at the moment and her ears still look great. Pre-surgery, she would have had a terrible ear infection due to the cold, so we are thankful that she is feeling like a normal 6 month old with a croupy cough.

At TJMaxx today, they had a potty book(one that we don't have) on the clearance, so I bought it to add to our collection of hopes that sit on the back of the toilet. I mentioned this to Luke tonight while he made dinner( his(Mark's) famous/delicious chicken parm). His comment almost made me spit out my red wine I laughed so hard. I made him write it down since my memory is sh*t these days(that must be the red wine talking!). Luke said "Karen, I have many golf magazines by our toilet and I don't think I play golf any better. What makes you think that Emmett having a new potty book is going to improve his use of the potty!?" TRUE, RIGHT?! Anyway, I thought it was worth a pretty good laugh and thought you'd enjoy as well.

Another funny thing these days, is Emmett LOVES to wear his swim goggles around the house. Too funny to see in his PJ's. No where near a pool, but thinks they are cool just the same. and the boys got new Chiefs gear for next season. Thought you would like to see the winning gear for 2010-2011 season.

If anyone is a Facebook-er, they have a site called "Scenes from Washington, IL" It is pictures of my hometown of Washington, Illinois. There are some amazing photos on there and some of Pleasant View, the school I went to as a young'in, after it closed. They are actually really well done and show the horrible way the old school was not taken care of after it closed. Great memories for the Tarvin children and many others of our era. I will post of few of the pictures taken by Ron Renken, who posted most of the photos. (Mom-you should really get on and check it out. Some really old photos and even one of the Round Barn!).