it dumps! Literally. Emmett has a bad case of the "stomach bug" and Jolene has a raging ear infection, which she's now on an antibiotic that's causing "stomach bug" -like symptoms! How can I be so lucky to be changing diapers for two kids all day long!? Although, I do feel bad for their red little bottoms. I told Luke that I would be calling in sick to work today aka sitting in my room behind a locked door with a bottle of wine. He was not amused. I'll try again tomorrow.
Jolene seems to be feeling better, but still not up to her normal. You couldn't tell by the pictures though. She still gives in to the huge smiley grin. She also has this one huge curl on the top of her head. Jolene looks like Cindy-Lou Who from Whoville. I really hope it sticks around for Christmas pictures! Emmett is on a naked kick right now. He doesn't want to put his clothes on once his pj's come off. Whatever. Makes for funny pictures. His new saying of the week is " Is that a good idea, Momma?" Cute at first, but now...not so much. Dangling a heavy car above Jolene's head is NOT a good idea. I could go on for ever in this post about his "good ideas" but I won't waste anyone's time, cause they are typically not good ideas which I'm sure you understand. It has come to be pretty cold most days, which means I got to dress Jolene in her Baby Legs. They are basically leg warmers for babies. It allows me to keep her legs warm, but not have to constantly undress her to change her diaper. I love them! She's has two pairs and I think I am going to have to get some for our newest friend Sydney! They are just too darn adorable.
Grandma Debbie gave the kids books and matching stuffed animals. The pig matches "If you throw a pig a party" and Emmett has "If you give a moose a muffin". Emmett loves Jolene's pig and has named it E.O. Piggy. We have absolutely no idea where this name came from but he sticks to it so that's what we call it. Jolene has started to grab on and hold things. So every now a then, Emmett asks Joey if she would like to play with her pig and then lays it beside her. Darn cute if you ask me. Then he grabs it back ans says "Joey said I can play with it." When she gets older and starts realizing that toys are being taken from her......I foresee a future of arguments between these siblings.