Today we went over to our friends the Anderson's for their daughter's 3rd birthday party. It was a Princess/Pirate theme, which was absolutely loved by all. Most of the little girls brought their own princess dresses and they had tiaras that were so cute. The boys had pirate masks, which Emmett did not want to wear. Plus they had the party horns that unroll when you blow into them. Emmett had his torn apart and used it for blowing bubbles in the pool(he even had daddy blowing bubble sin the pool-see picture below!). Anyway, pretty cute. Emmett was yelling "Happy Birthday, Darby!" before we even got him out of his carseat and I think Darby was opening her present before we entered their backyard! Such a great age. There were tons of kids, mostly the same age and they all played so well together. It made for great conversation time for the adults since no one was haggling with their kids or having time outs with tantrums. The pinata was shaped like Cinderella and was never broken by the kids. Courtney wound up pulling out the bottom so all of the candy would scatter around the grass. They loved it all the same. All in all, it was a great afternoon of fun in the sun, followed by amazing nap times. Now I just have to convince Luke that Mexican food is a must for dinner. Zapata's craving....hopefully taken care of.
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