It has been snowing since this morning and is now about 1 degree outside. Today was the Cody Christmas celebration...most of it outdoors! Needless to say we skipped most of it(ok, all of it). We went into town to pick up a few items at the grocery store for the weekend and then had lunch at the mexican place. It was a pretty snow in town, not blowing sideways like at our house. We had a pretty uneventful week, but a few funny pictures came out of it. The first one is of Emmett asleep in a precarious spot. He would not
take a nap for me. So I let him run himself out and thought I would move him to the crib. He fell asleep under the coffee table. I would have had to move the coffee table to carry him to his crib, so I let him sleep on the floor. He woke up with a huge print of the rug on his cheek! At least I got an hour of peace.
The video is hysterical. I think it was from Monday and it had snowed the night before. So we were kinda home bound for the day. We did go outside for a few minutes, but mostly stayed inside. Emmett and I built forts out of blankets and the couches. I basically felt like I was a kid on a snow day. Not sure why I thought riding on Emmett's sit and spin would be a good idea, but it sure makes for a funny video for when Emmett and I showed Daddy later that night! Emmett laughs and giggles the whole time. I think cause he can't make it spin, it must be pretty fun! I bet I can get my sister to take it for a ride when she is here for Christmas......
Grammy and Poppy sent Emmett a musical card that sings Holly, Jolly Christmas when you open it. He loves those cards. They also sent some stickers that you get for free in the mail around this time. I think he loved those even more. I helped him take them off the sheet, but placed them where he wanted. He started with his coloring book and moved on to a bigger canvas....daddy's shirt! Luke was covered with them. It was a pretty cute sight!
Lastly, he has wanted something for the corner of the counter all morning long. Finally we figured out it was an apple in the fruit bowl. Luke got one of them out and started cutting it into pieces. That started a tantrum so we gave him another apple to carry around and that seemed to solve the problem. He wanted to eat it himself. Such an independent! He lost interest after a few bites but worth it for the kodak moment! Hope you all are enjoying the weekend so far. I catch up with everyone next week!